She does not come from Mars or Krypton.
She lives amongst us.
She has the same body as us and walks this earth the same way as the rest of us.
She eats, sleeps, and probably sings and dances too.
I know she isn't a member of the Avengers but she's just as tough. I know my mom can take on three guys if I'm threatened and I've seen it more than once.
She is fragile yet I've never seen her broken. She's gentle but everyone in the house knows she can be very bad and scary. It took a team of policemen once to get my dad back in the house when she was really angry.
When I feel doubt in anything, I don't pray to my guardian angel. I find myself going home to my mother.
Mothers. Children can't choose their mothers but they need them nonetheless.
Our mother is the first face we see when we are born and usually the last name we call at the moment of our death.
The woman in the house we love to see when we wake up in the morning and the same person we dread when we're bad.
She is the person I see who can take the worse in us and still hopes for the best in us.
She's the person we forget when things are going fine and the first person we remember when things are not going well for us.
She lives in the house we go home to when nobody wants us. Everything else is a place we just pass through.
She cries for us in our happiness and she cries alone in her own moments of pain.
She keep us children together even if we try so hard to stay away from each other.
It's amazing how much energy she has to take care of us and have no energy to look after herself. She finds many ways to keep us happy and not find her own happiness.
To my mother who never ceases to believe in the best in us in spite of ourselves. I honor you with the life I have lived and with the love that I can give.
To my wife who is the mother of my children, I love you for all that happiness you gave all of us by the simplicity and purity of your love.